
Seekia is unfinished software. It cannot connect to the internet or download profiles.

You must compile it yourself to run it. The instructions are included in the download.

Download Seekia Version 0.71

File Name: Seekia-v0.71.tgz


Verify File Integrity

You should verify the file downloaded correctly by verifying the file's SHA-256 checksum.

Seekia v0.71 SHA-256 Checksum:


Use the command for your operating system to compute the file's SHA-256 checksum.

The result from the command should match the above checksum.

Linux sha256sum Seekia-v0.71.tgz
Mac shasum -a 256 Seekia-v0.71.tgz
Windows Get-FileHash Seekia-v0.71.tgz

Verify File Authenticity

You should verify the downloaded file is authentic by verifying its PGP signature.

Download v0.71 PGP Signature:


You must verify the signature and retrieve the PGP key which signed the release.

You can use GnuPG, a library for verifying PGP signatures.

Below are the instructions for each operating system.


Use this command to get the signing key.

gpg --verify Seekia-v0.71.tgz.asc Seekia-v0.71.tgz

Use a search engine to learn how to verify PGP signatures.

You must verify the signing key belongs to the author, Simon Sarasova.

Simon Sarasova's GPG signing key:


Simon's signing key is also located on his website:


To access a .eth website, you can use Brave browser.

You can also use a trusted gateway to access his website.

You can visit his site from multiple gateways to ensure you are seeing an authentic version of his site.
Download Archived Versions